Brands > Sonata

zaleplon 10 MG Oral Capsule zaleplon 5 MG Oral Capsule

No brand alternatives are available

Formulation: zaleplon 5 MG Oral Capsule
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 3 Weeks
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Weight: 127 lb / 58 kg
Rick - 07-05-2009

I took the 5mg capsules for insomnia for a while. It did exactly what I needed it to do, help me get to sleep after a long day that left me anxious about deadlines. I experienced no side-effects to speak of, and no sleep disruptions after I discontinued it.

I will use it again if I get insomnia like I had at the end of my last semester in college, but I can't say I'm planning on it.

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