Brands > Promethegan

Promethazine 12.5 MG Rectal Suppository Promethazine 25 MG Rectal Suppository
Promethazine 50 MG Rectal Suppository  
Phenadoz Phenergan    
Formulation: Promethazine 25 MG Rectal Suppository
Rating: -
Continuing Use: No
Duration: -
Gender: -
Age: -
Weight: -
Rosa - 07-02-2009

In my first three month of pregnancy I had that terrible vomiting and nausea, till my doctor recommended Promethegan every time I feel nauseated and it worked great .
The only problem was some of it side effects that was making me feel sleepy, but it’s ok as long as there is no vomiting.

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