Brands > Orencia

abatacept 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution  

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Formulation: abatacept 25 MG/ML Injectable Solution
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 2 Months
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Moyboy999 - 06-28-2009

This drug is generally used for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, but is experimentally being used to treat severe pan-ulcerative colitis & Crohn's Disease. For the treatment of UC, the drug is administered through an IV over the course of approximately an hour. Patients are monitored closely for any signs of a potential, but rare, allergic reaction.

I received 3 infusions of this drug over a 2 month span, and while I didn't suffer any adverse side-effects, I also didn't get any benefit from the drug. I ultimately discontinued the use of Abatacept because it just didn't help me get better at all. That's not to say that it's not a great Rheumatoid Arthritis medication, but I really wouldn't give it much credence for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.

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