Brands > Nexium

Esomeprazole 0.667 MG/ML Extended Release Suspension Esomeprazole 1.33 MG/ML Extended Release Suspension
Esomeprazole 2.67 MG/ML Extended Release Suspension Esomeprazole 20 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Esomeprazole 4 MG/ML Injectable Solution Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Esomeprazole 8 MG/ML Injectable Solution  

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Formulation: Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Weight: 198 lb / 90 kg
Gracie - 07-06-2009

I have been several significant health issues over the last few years and I have had to take a wide variety of medications. It seems like everything is expensive, doesn't work as well as it should and has nasty side effects. I really am tired of pills. When a specialist prescribed this to me, I assumed that it would be more of the same. I was wrong. Of every medication I have taken, the one that made a change in the quality of my life was Nexium. It works well and I have had no side effectts. Sadly, it is pricey.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 5 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Aumin - 07-06-2009

I suffer from acid reflux and the doctor told me that I should start taking Nexium. At first I thought that it would be another "scam", but I completely changed my mind after the first 30 days. My acid reflux has almost completely gone away and I am able to enjoy the food that i once was able to.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 20 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 4 Years
Gender: Male
Age: -
Weight: 268 lb / 122 kg
Steelers - 07-02-2009

Nexium was prescribed for my gastric reflux and it has worked wonders. I tried a number of different prescriptions in the past before trying Nexium. As long as I take it on a regular basis, I have no problems with reflux. The challenge is that it works so good that sometimes I stop and at the first signs of reflux I realize that I need to start again. I have not experienced any side effects.

Formulation: -
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: -
Gender: Female
Age: 75
Weight: 134 lb / 61 kg
yehaw00 - 07-01-2009

I took Nexium for gastritis for the recommended 14 days. It did seem to help my condition somewhat, but when I went to the pharmacist to renew my prescription for a 1 mo. supply, I was shocked to hear the price of it. So I called my doctor, and she prescribed a similar drug, omeprazole, which is generic and a better price. I did not experience side effects, and was used for gastritis.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Regrettable
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Weeks
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Weight: 149 lb / 68 kg
Landon - 07-01-2009

Looking back, I wasted my money on this. Nexium works great and all, but my insurance copay was high, due to the cost of the medication. I talked to my doctor and was switched over to Prilosec 40mg. I would try Prilosec before resorting to Nexium.

Side effects - deflated wallet.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 0.667 MG/ML Extended Release Suspension
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 1 Weeks
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Weight: 154 lb / 70 kg
kris - 07-01-2009


Formulation: Esomeprazole 20 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg
eric5O - 06-30-2009

Nexium really helps control my indigestion and reflux. The pill is small and easy to take. I have significantly less heartburn now that I take Nexium.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Weight: 238 lb / 108 kg
Bubluck - 06-30-2009

I suffered from reflux and indigestion for years. Rolaids and Tums usually wouldn't give any relief, but I ate them constantly. I tried other prescription drugs with varying relief. My reflux was so bad I hadn’t been able to even drink orange juice for years.

About one week after starting Nexium, my reflux and indigestion was gone. I haven’t taken a Rolaid in years.

Formulation: -
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 4 Months
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Moyboy999 - 06-29-2009

While taking large doses of Prednisone for an extended period of time, I suffered severe heart burn and acid reflux. My insurance company forced me to take nexium instead of the drug my doctor initially prescribed, and I had very little success with this drug. It kinda relieved my heart burn, but did absolutely nothing for my acid reflux.

Formulation: Esomeprazole 40 MG Enteric Coated Capsule
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Weight: 189 lb / 86 kg
Porty - 06-25-2009

Before I started taking Nexium I would have heartburn daily regardless of what I ate or drank. My doctor started me on Nexium and a regulated diet and within 2 months I noticed that I could eat just about anything I wanted heartburn free. After 2 years my doctor has me still taking it but only once every other day and I am not able to live my life heartburn free.

Formulation: -
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Weight: 103 lb / 47 kg
Jennifer - 06-18-2009

I suffered from severe heartburn, which most friends and family felt was an untreated ulcer. After taking regularly for a few weeks, I started to find my heartburn to be somewhat relieved. Does not provide instant relief and for me, still had to be used in conjunction with chewable antacid tablets. I do not suffer from any known side-effects to date.

Formulation: -
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Weight: 196 lb / 89 kg
GenesisOne - 06-01-2009

I have found Nexium to be an effective and above-satisfactory medication that has helped to reduce and even reverse the damage caused by acid reflux. I was really impressed by how much better I felt after I started taking Nexium. I had been so used to the pain and the discomfort that I really felt incredible once I had been on Nexium for about a month. I do not mind taking Nexium even though I generally do not like taking any sort of medication because Nexium is able to provide me with effective protection for more or less twenty-four hours a day. The alternative of not taking the medication simply because I do not like medication is not at all preferable because it can lead to unbearable days! Side effects I have encountered have been relatively mild, really. I have experienced some dry mouth and a few headaches here and there, but I am thankful that is all as my doctor told me of the other side effects that could emerge and boy am I ever happy that I did not and have not experienced any of those! I have been able to live with those few side effects because the alternative, namely not using Nexium, would be much more unpleasant. All in all, if you suffer from acid reflux, you need not, as Nexium can help if you are able to take the medicine. My experiences with Nexium have been very positive and I would recommend it.

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