Brands > Mobic

meloxicam 1.5 MG/ML Oral Suspension meloxicam 15 MG Oral Tablet
meloxicam 15 MG Rectal Suppository meloxicam 7.5 MG Oral Tablet
meloxicam 7.5 MG Rectal Suppository  

No brand alternatives are available

Formulation: meloxicam 15 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 68
Weight: 138 lb / 63 kg
Winnie - 07-05-2009

After being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I tried another well advertised anti-inflammatory and had some serious side effects. My physician changed my prescription to 15 mg. of Meloxicam per day and I have had no side effects and it has helped with my swelling and pain. I also take several other prescriptions along with the Meloxicam to keep my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms under control. Meloxicam and these other drugs have made a huge difference in my life. I am no longer in constant pain, am able to move better and my swelling is under control.

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