Brands > Lexapro

Escitalopram 1 MG/ML Oral Solution Escitalopram 10 MG Oral Tablet
Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet Escitalopram 5 MG Oral Tablet

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Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Weight: 339 lb / 154 kg
Hugo - 07-06-2009

I have suffered no adverse side-effects with this medication, but I wonder if it's helping me. I have pretty severe, ongoing depression. I've tried many antidepressants and none seem to work, but at least Lexapro does not seem to have any negative side-effects in my experience.

Formulation: -
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Krissy - 07-06-2009

My doctor calls my condition depression. I call my condition anxiety. Over a period of a year, I experienced several risk factors for depression, including being hypothyroid for a period of six months while being treated for thyroid cancer. During that year and many stressful situations, my chest muscles became tighter and tighter until my chest always hurt. I was always tense and emotionally inflexible. Then I found a doctor who put me on Lexapro. By the end of the first week, the pain in my chest was gone. By the end of the first month, I was laughing and smiling easily and felt generally relaxed. Along with therapy, by the end of six months, my internal landscape was far greener and fresh with possibility again. A small change in brain chemistry really can have a huge impact on one's life.

The only negative that I have experienced with the Lexapro is some stomach upset and acidy-reflux. I had never experienced this before starting the Lexapro. Taking probiotics regularly has helped immensely, though.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 8 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Weight: 123 lb / 56 kg
Carly - 07-05-2009

I have been taking Lexapro since I was 18 years old. Depression runs in my family and when I started to become noticeably depressed at 18 I went to see my family doctor. I was then first prescribed Lexapro. After a few weeks myself and others surrounding me noticed positive changes. My mood was much more elevated and I felt much better overall.

I have also noticed that I have not had any of the side effects that friends and family members of mine have that are taking other anti-depressants, and after doing some research online it appears that Lexapro has minimum side effects in comparison to other anti-depressants.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 51
Weight: 105 lb / 48 kg
Lily - 07-05-2009

I have a family member who was using Lexapro for depression and mood swings and it has improved her qualify of life as she does not have much episode of mood swings. She does not hallucinate as much too if she does take Lexapro so overall this prescription had helped her and her caregivers.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 51
Weight: 105 lb / 48 kg
Anne - 07-05-2009

My mother-in-law had been prescribed with Lexapro for depression and swing moods and it has changed her quality of life. If for some reason, we don't give it to her on time we know exactly that the underlying cause of her change in moods and being irritable is the missed dosage of Lexapro.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg
mdiramio - 07-03-2009

After I went through a family crisis, I went back on antidepressants after a long period of not taking them. I was prescribed Lexapro. It does a good job at keeping my anxiety at bay and I find myself having less nightmares than I used to. It's a great stabilizer for me.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 8 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Weight: 134 lb / 61 kg
Michelle - 07-02-2009

After negative experiences with both Paxil and Zoloft, I started Lexapro with scepticism and trepidation. It turns out the Lexapro up to that point has worked out much better for me than the others. My biggest complaint about this drug is that I have experienced some severe sexual side effects that began on Lexapro. I tried after several years on the drug to go off Lexapro, hoping my depression had subsided, experienced a horrible, drawn-out withdrawal, and fell into the worst depression of my life. I began to feel improvement within the first week of starting Lexapro again. So I have mixed feelings about this drug- it helps for depression but comes with side effects. My biggest problem with Lexapro, however, is that it is not available as a generic. When I lost health insurance it was nearly impossible to attain or afford it. Also, I have found Lexapro to work best when combined with Wellbutrin.

Formulation: -
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Alyssa - 07-02-2009

I went on Lexapro after I started having problems with anxiety. It didn't seem to have a huge impact. I did notice some limited relief. But after about a year it just seemed to stop working one day. All of a sudden all my symptoms came back very strong. The good thing about Lexapro was that it didn't have very many side effects.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 88
Weight: 141 lb / 64 kg
Veggie Girl - 07-01-2009

My 88 year old mother is currently on Lexapro as an anti-depressant. She had been on Prozac for five years, then was switched to Celexa, and finally ended up on Lexapro, which is doing a good job of leveling out her moods and keeping her depression in check. She feels good most of the time and is able to function normally. There is some concern that she may need a higher dose, but because of her age, they are keeping it as is for now. There are no side effects except for dry mouth, but that could be due to other medications that she is on.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Weight: 158 lb / 72 kg
Holly Bowers - 07-01-2009

I have suffered with severe depression since my younger teenage years. Upon moving to the US from England several years ago, I had to opportunity to begin seeing a psychologist, who suggested I ask my doctor for Lexapro.

I have now been taking Lexapro for two years, and could not be happier. I started out at 10mg, and after about a year my dosage was increased to 20mg.

Before starting this medication, the lethargy and lack of self-confidence I was experiencing meant I was unable to go out and look for a job, or start university, something I had always planned to do, but put off due to my personal problems. After just a few weeks on the medication, I had a good temporary job while I completed the process of applying for university. I'm now in my second year of school, and achieving excellent grades, something I did not manage in prior education. I am much improved in social situations such as parties and other gatherings, and have experienced no side effects. I have also unexpectedly experienced a life changing reduction in certain phobias I suffered with in the past. Most notably, I used to be very much afraid of dogs, and since taking Lexapro, I am now the proud owner of two adorable puppies.

Formulation: Escitalopram 10 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Weight: 284 lb / 129 kg
Angela - 06-30-2009

I was first prescribed Lexapro by my Psychiatrist when it was obvious that a single anti-depressant was not working as well as it could. I was also having worsening anxiety and panic attacks. Instead of treating the panic and anxiety only when they occurred, we decided to try Lexapro in combination with my other medication.
The Lexapro helped immensely. My anxiety levels began to diminish and I began to feel closer to my old self again. I would say that it has definitely helped me continue a normal existance.
The only drawback have been the few side effects that I have experienced. I have gained large amounts of weight since I've started to use Lexapro. I also tend to experience a bit of nausea with it. I will be more then happy to put up with these side effects for the level of normalcy it has helped introduce into my life.

Formulation: Escitalopram 5 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Weight: 209 lb / 95 kg
John - 06-30-2009

I was prescribed Lexapro while in a treatment center for alcoholism. It worked very well and kept my mood swings fairly level for almost a year. Major lifestyle changes and the resulting stress started me drinking again for awhile, but Lexapro really helped keep me straight during and after treatment.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 5 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 37
Weight: 127 lb / 58 kg
Dori - 06-23-2009

I was prescribed lexapro after I became very ill and had a bad psychological reaction to a strong medication I was put on for that illness. I was hoping this drug would cheer me up. It didn't really do much. I didn't feel anything as I dosed up, and once on it I felt dull. I don't know how to describe it otherwise, I just lost my zest for life. I decided to wean myself off of it and encountered dizziness for a few days; then I felt back to my old self. I don't think it did anything bad for me, I would say it definitely mellows you out, in my case too much. I'm not sure I actually needed it.

Formulation: Escitalopram 5 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Female
Age: -
Weight: -
Ann - 06-18-2009

My doctor prescribed Lexapro after I had a panic attack while on vacation about a year ago. I’ve had problems with anxiety in the past, but this panic attack seemingly came out of no-where. After that incident, I was afraid of having another panic attack and this anxiety was starting to affect me at work. I made an appointment with my doctor and started Lexapro that same night. It took about 2 weeks for me to start feeling more like myself again. I could still feel the anxiety, but I felt more in control of my feelings.
I really didn’t have any side effects, accept maybe a slightly decreased libido. I recently stopped taking the Lexapro because my husband and I have decided to start a family. While my doctor said it was fine to be on Lexapro while I’m pregnant, I would rather not take any chances. Coming off of Lexapro made me feel pretty irritable and gave me a slight headache. That lasted about a week.

Formulation: Escitalopram 5 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 1 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Weight: 94 lb / 43 kg
Allison - 06-18-2009

My doctor had prescribed me Lexapro for horrible anxiety attacks. I used it for a couple of weeks and thought it made a big difference for me as far as the anxiety attacks go.
Furthermore, it helped with that attacks; however, it made me very moody and at the slightest thing someone would say to me, I would go off on them.

Formulation: Escitalopram 10 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 6 Weeks
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Weight: 134 lb / 61 kg
Ocean Tiara - 06-12-2009

I had been prescribed lexapro recently in exchange for prozac, as the prozac was making me too edgy and hyperactive.
I have found it to be extremely satisfactory in my mood elevation, but there is one problem that is bothering me greatly.
I am having great difficulty achieving orgasm, which is what I have read regarding one of the side effects.
Hopeful that this will subside, I will continue on it.
I am thinking of asking if I can lower the dose to 5 mg instead of the 10mg to see if this might correct or ease the problem of sexual dysfunction.
Overall, I am very impressed with the mood altering lift it has given me.
For the first time in years, I have hope.
I have taken all manner of other prescriptions, to no avail and with very bothersome side effects.
With a patient loving partner, I would recommend that you work through this side affect if it is one of yours.

Formulation: Escitalopram 20 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Weight: 174 lb / 79 kg
Marla - 06-09-2009

Several years ago my husband and I were having issues, our daughter was experiencing academic problems of an undetermined nature (it was particularly upsetting as she was in the gifted program because of a high IQ but struggling with reading, writing, etc). I had recently given birth to a 3rd child whom we adore, but was not planned, and we were also facing financal hardships being self-employed. I felt I was overwhelmed and started experiencing physical symptoms like hair loss, vitaligo (pigment loss on my hands)and then hand swelling, shaking and it was thought I might have Lupus. Long story short I saw a psychiatrist who started me on 10mg Lexapro and then upped my dosage to 20mg. I never felt different, just realized I felt less stressed out. We are still dealing my our daughter's now diagnosed dyslexia and dysgraphia, financial issues, marriage fights and my on going vitaligo, and possible auto immune problems. Things with Lexapro are just more managable. Not solved, just makes it possible to handle problems a little less stressfully. I would recommend Lexapro use if your Dr feels it necessary. No side effects just positives!

Formulation: Escitalopram 10 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Statisfactory
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 6 Months
Gender: Female
Age: 73
Weight: 119 lb / 54 kg
Maloy - 06-08-2009

My mom has a neuro degenerative disease and her doctor prescribed here with lexapro. Her dosage was half tablet in the morning and half tablet and night. She seemed to respond well to the drug in the beginning. She was very combative and the medicine made her easier to care for. She also slept better at night.
The effect though was that she was so sleepy the whole day. After the initial response, it seemed to have no effect anymore. The doctor said she had built a tolerance for the medicine and she wanted to increase her dosage.

Formulation: Escitalopram 10 MG Oral Tablet
Rating: Good
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 3 Months
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Weight: 178 lb / 81 kg
Steven - 06-03-2009

I was prescribed Lexapro for depression and anxiety by my psychiatrist after reporting intolerable levels of stress at work combined with poor motivation. After using it for a month I began to feel more in control and less hopeless than before, being able to calm myself down better than I was before.

It helped me a great deal and I would consider it a good drug for treating depression and anxiety.

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