Brands > Asacol

mesalamine 1000 MG Rectal Foam mesalamine 250 MG Rectal Suppository
mesalamine 400 MG Enteric Coated Tablet mesalamine 400 MG Extended Release Tablet
mesalamine 500 MG Rectal Suppository  
Formulation: mesalamine 400 MG Extended Release Tablet
Rating: Poor
Continuing Use: No
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Weight: 163 lb / 74 kg
Moyboy999 - 06-28-2009

As a patient that was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis at the age of 22 (seemingly out of nowhere), Asacol was the first drug that I was put on in the hope of controlling my UC. Unfortunately, my UC was much too severe for asacol to be effective and it really did nothing for me or my symptoms. While the drug is generally benign and pretty gentle it can actually exacerbate UC in certain instances of severe disease.

Due to the severe condition that my colon & I were in, the asacol actually increased the frequency of my diarrhea. My nurse noticed that I was passing the entire pills in my stool before they had even had the opportunity to do anything.

Also, while I, personally, didn't suffer any awful side-effects from the drug, another patient that I became friends with,also taking Asacol, lost all her hair within 2-3 weeks of taking the drug. The side-effect is extremely rare, so many doctors don't even warn patients about it, but if you notice any hair loss starting at all, you should contact your doctor ASAP so that they can get you an alternative medication!

Overall, as my doctor explained to me, the Asacol is the first drug prescribed to patients with UC, and is only really effective in mild instances of the disease.

Formulation: mesalamine 400 MG Enteric Coated Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Weight: 169 lb / 77 kg
L McCord - 06-13-2009

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 22 in 1998. At that time, I was prescribed sulfasalazine which worked for a few months, but even then, I was severely limited in my diet and physical activities. I eventually gave up the sulfasalazine and stopped seeing a doctor altogether. I suffered through the pains and did my best to control the symptoms with a very strict, very limited diet.

In early 2007, I was so weak and, as I later found out, malnourished that my boss at work actually insisted I go to the doctor, so I went to the local walk-in clinic thinking I'd caught the flu - AGAIN. I was severly dehydrated, couldn't keep anything down or in, was repulsed by food and walking from the lobby to the exam room was virtually exhausting. I was quickly introduced to my current doctor and have been seeing her faithfully ever since. She prescribed Asacol and in the last couple of years, I actually feel as if I'm living life - not just floating along! Without a doubt, Asacol not only makes life bearable, but allows me to have a life and enjoy everything that comes my way. I have no side effects either!

Formulation: mesalamine 400 MG Enteric Coated Tablet
Rating: Life Changing
Continuing Use: Yes
Duration: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Age: 33
Weight: 169 lb / 77 kg
L McCord - 06-13-2009

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 22 in 1998. At that time, I was prescribed sulfasalazine which worked for a few months, but even then, I was severely limited in my diet and physical activities. I eventually gave up the sulfasalazine and stopped seeing a doctor altogether. I suffered through the pains and did my best to control the symptoms with a very strict, very limited diet.

In early 2007, I was so weak and, as I later found out, malnourished that my boss at work actually insisted I go to the doctor, so I went to the local walk-in clinic thinking I'd caught the flu - AGAIN. I was severly dehydrated, couldn't keep anything down or in, was repulsed by food and walking from the lobby to the exam room was virtually exhausting. I was quickly introduced to my current doctor and have been seeing her faithfully ever since. She prescribed Asacol and in the last couple of years, I actually feel as if I'm living life - not just floating along! Without a doubt, Asacol not only makes life bearable, but allows me to have a life and enjoy everything that comes my way. I have no side effects either!

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